Quickly identify Internet Explorer with JavaScript for targeted browser-specific actions.
Using conditional comments
The following snippet works for Internet Explorer 6 through 11.
// Check if the browser is Internet Explorer
function isInternetExplorer() {
// IE 6-11
const isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/ false || !!document.documentMode;
return isIE;
This code defines a function isInternetExplorer()
that utilizes conditional comments (/*@cc_on!@*/
) to determine if the browser is Internet Explorer. The function returns true
if the browser is Internet Explorer and false
otherwise. You can use this function to conditionally execute code based on the user’s browser.
ref: Conditional Comments in Internet Explorer
Using navigator object
To determine whether a user is using Internet Explorer, you can employ the following JavaScript code snippet:
function isInternetExplorer() {
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
// Check for Internet Explorer 6-10
var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ");
// Check for Internet Explorer 11 and later,
// which uses the Trident engine
var trident = ua.indexOf("Trident/");
return msie > 0 || trident > 0;
checking the user agent string, may not be as accurate due to user agent spoofing or changes made by browser vendors.
Using ActiveXObject
Detecting the browser in use can be achieved by examining the navigator
object. Internet Explorer provides a unique property, ActiveXObject
, which can be utilized for identification.
Here’s a simple JavaScript function to detect Internet Explorer:
function isInternetExplorer() {
// Check if ActiveXObject is defined
return 'ActiveXObject' in window;
This function checks if the ActiveXObject
is defined in the global window
object, a characteristic unique to Internet Explorer.
IE version
function getIeVersion() {
if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { //test for MSIE x.x;
var ieversion = new Number(RegExp.$1) // capture x.x portion and store as a number
if (ieversion>=8)
return 8;
document.write("You're using IE8 or above")
else if (ieversion>=7)
document.write("You're using IE7.x")
else if (ieversion>=6)
document.write("You're using IE6.x")
else if (ieversion>=5)
document.write("You're using IE5.x")
} else {
Why detect Internet Explorer specifically?
Internet Explorer has been known for its non-standard behavior and lack of support for modern web standards. Web developers often need to detect it to apply workarounds or provide alternative solutions for a smoother user experience.
Is detecting browsers considered good practice?
While detecting browsers can be necessary for handling specific issues, it’s generally recommended to use feature detection rather than browser detection. Feature detection allows developers to check if a particular feature is supported, promoting a more forward-compatible and resilient codebase.
Are there any downsides to browser detection?
Browser detection can be prone to errors, especially as new browser versions are released. It might lead to unintentional consequences if a website doesn’t recognize a new browser or if the detection logic becomes outdated.
Can this code be used in conjunction with feature detection?
Yes, it’s common to use browser detection alongside feature detection. By combining both approaches, developers can create a more robust solution that adapts to the capabilities of the user’s browser.